Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Officially Jaye L...Girl Next Door...Literally!

Maaaan..I know I have interviewed some great models, but what about the girl next door? Literally, I had to hit my neighbor up because she has jumped into the modeling game…What’s crazy is that I have known her for a while now and didn’t think that way about her…so I had to show some love!
Let everyone know who you are and where you are from… My name is Jaye L and I'm from a small town in NC. Matter fact it's so small my uncle is the mayor! N A V!
What got you into modeling? I always thought you were a tomboy…lol
Well back in the day when Blackplanet was like Twitter is now I used to post lots of pictures. One day this little boy name JL from Charlotte told me I should try modeling. It caught me off guard because it was right after I had my daughter. So I was like no who want's to see me? I'm not skinny! To prove me wrong he made a Yahoo group full of my pictures that I took with a web cam and I think in about 2 weeks I had 1000 members. It was shocking. That was back in 04 so I've been secretly doing it off and on for a while LoL. As far being a tomboy I still get down and dirty for mine, nothings changed!
Everybody has their own definition of modeling…what is yours?
My definition of modeling I would say is inner beauty. It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside because there is somebody for everybody. Its what's inside you that makes your beauty on the outside show.

All of a sudden in the modeling industry women with large bottoms (booty as like to say) have become the new thing…why do you think it is a need for more full-figure models now than before? I think it's because we represent what's real. There are so many young girls who've had self esteem issues with their bodies which led to illnesses such anorexia and bulima. Seeing that bigger women can be beautiful, and successful they learn to embrace their bodies.
Do you think magazines are showing more of the girl next door than the glamour model now? How is your take on the “urban” models getting more work than their counterparts? I think magazines are showing it 50/50. There are glamour magazines and then there are urban magazines. So as of yet I don't see them clashing with each other. As far as getting more work there are jobs out there for all models, I don't think it would be a problem.
Jumping on the personal side just a little..What is the best way for a guy to get noticed by you and once he does how does he keep your attention? To get my attention he must be fly in all aspects. Head to toe with great conversation. To KEEP my attention, now that's the hard part. I don't want his life to revolve around me, I would just like to know that I'm in it. So throughout the day I'd like to know that I'm on his brain with occassional texts. Not ALL day but just to let me know he's thinking of me. I shouldn't wake up and not hear from him until evening. I mean really. LoL
Every man has some type of fantasy and on a whole most women believe it is_______(finish the sentence) having a threesome.
Lastly, what is a big turn OFF to you? Too much pride! Trust me there is a such thing.

Well Neighbor…tell everyone how we can find you…drop the websites, twitter, etc…
Twitter: @OfficiallyJayeL